Many people love online poker because of the social side. Although it can be a very serious game, it can also be a lot of fun for those who just play because they enjoy it.
Most poker websites have chat rooms so you can talk to people about all sorts of things. You do not have to talk about the game, although some will prefer to. A lot of poker websites will have themed chat rooms where you can go to discuss certain things. Rules are not too strict but you will find that the conversation may tend to steer towards the theme of the room so it is good to pick one that you are interested in.
It is amazing how open people can be when chatting on line and although you should be careful about how much information you give out to people, it is a fantastic way to make friends. You may even find that you end up getting on really well with someone who lives across the other side of the world or you meet people who live in your town.
Many people have gone on to meet people face to face that they have met online and even ended up marrying them. It is great to use a chat room that will allow you to meet people who have something in common with you even if it is the poker game that you like so much. The types of chat room and how much they are used will vary from site to site and so if a good chat room is something you are looking for in your online poker site then you need to make sure that you pick the right site. It might be a good idea to read some site reviews and then visit various ones to get a better idea of this.